I continue to analyze my lectures and notes on teaching english to hindi methods. If you want to use these articles as educational material, then I suggest that you complete the task at the end of the note, it will allow you to better understand the topic.

Feedback is the exchange of information with students regarding issues such as language skills, administrative matters, behavior, attitudes towards learning, grades, and so on.

Feedback can be organized both with the whole class, and in a group or pair of students, or individually. The purpose of feedback is to motivate students, point them out to existing problems, explain how these problems can be best solved.

Feedback is a two-way process. Students can express their wishes and ideas, for example, what kind of work they like the most, suggest topics for discussion, or share concerns about an upcoming exam or test. This information allows the teacher to adjust the curriculum.

Feedback can be provided both orally (praise for good work, joint discussion with students of the most common mistakes), and in writing (a small comment written next to the assessment of the work). If the teacher uses modern technologies in teaching, then he can leave an audio message or video message to the students, or write a message on the class forum or blog. You can develop a special form in which each week the teacher writes a small comment next to the name of each student.

Basic moments

Feedback must be positive. We should definitely praise our students for their success in hebrew to english. We don’t say “you did it badly”, but “it needs to be fixed like this …”, “pay special attention to …”, “it is necessary to work further on …”.
Feedback can occur during class assignments. For example, when students work in groups or pairs, the teacher can observe their work, correct something, and give recommendations. Feedback can also be arranged at the end of the lesson. For example, when, after working in pairs or groups, we discuss common mistakes with the whole class, and repeat the material as necessary.
If we want to organize mutual feedback (when students evaluate each other’s work), then we must first teach students how to do this. For example, print out a list of evaluation criteria for each, make a list of useful phrases such as “I think you should work on…”, or “I think you should…”, and also “rehearse” in front of the whole class in pairs. with one of the students how to conduct a dialogue. This type of feedback should not be used with younger students.
If we want to give a negative assessment of a student’s work, then we must definitely do it in a one-on-one conversation, not in front of the whole class.
After grading a final test or exam, it’s also a good idea to provide feedback to praise students or tell them where they need to work on.

Remember how the feedback was organized when you yourself studied the language, what did you personally lack. Analyze how feedback is organized with your students, think about how you can make it more effective. Write down your ideas (200-250 words).